E.S.L. & G.E.D.
We understand that in order to reach a higher level in your career, you need to have a solid foundation in your education and communication. That's why we offer FREE English as a Second Language Courses and FREE GED Adult Education at our center.
Entendemos que para alcanzar un nivel más alto en su carrera, necesita tener una base sólida en su educación y comunicación. Es por eso que ofrecemos cursos GRATIS de inglés como segundo idioma y educación para adultos de GED GRATIS en nuestro centro.

Entendemos que aprender con otras personas que se encuentran en el mismo nivel de inglés que usted es importante para el éxito.
Ofrecemos dos cursos, principiantes e intermedios. Nuestra admisión evaluará en qué curso se ubicará mejor.
Cada curso tiene una duración de 10 semanas y se lleva a cabo en RIBA Aspira Career Academy.
Las clases programadas son a continuación:
Principiantes (Nivel 1)
Lunes y Miercoles
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Intermedio (Nivel 2)
Martes y Jueves
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
We understand that learning with others who are at the same English level as you is important for success.
We offer two courses, beginners and intermediate. Our intake will assess which course you will be best placed in.
Each course is 10 weeks long and are held at RIBA Aspira Career Academy.
Class schedules are below:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mondays & Wednesdays
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

classes are
currently on hold
Provided by Waterbury Adult Education
DID YOU KNOW...That you can make $10,000 more per year having your GED than not having one?
Sign up today and earn your GED!
We connect all GED students to workforce training options so you can begin a new career when you're finished.
***Space is Limited***

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we found a way to still provide ESL services to our community!